Heavy periods are often dismissed as ‘normal’ or just something women have to deal with. But what if there’s an underlying medical cause? One in five women with excessive menstrual bleeding may actually have a bleeding disorder, such as Von Willebrand Disease. Yet, this connection is rarely made, leaving many women undiagnosed and without the right treatment for years.
To change this, Living Stone developed the website She Bleeds for CSL Behring, a platform that provides accessible, reliable information and helps bring this issue out of the shadows.
A treatable condition that often goes unrecognized
Von Willebrand Disease is the most common inherited bleeding disorder, yet it often goes undiagnosed in women. Because heavy periods are rarely linked to bleeding disorders, many women remain unaware of the true cause of their symptoms.
Women with Von Willebrand Disease don’t just experience long, heavy periods—they may also bruise easily, suffer from frequent nosebleeds that are hard to stop, bleed excessively after dental work or surgery, and experience prolonged bleeding after childbirth. Yet, the condition is frequently overlooked because heavy menstrual bleeding is often considered ‘normal’ or attributed to hormonal issues. In many cases, the diagnosis is only made when complications arise, such as during surgery or childbirth.
A lack of awareness and proper diagnosis leaves many women struggling unnecessarily with symptoms that could be managed. Recognizing Von Willebrand Disease early can make a significant difference.
She Bleeds: A trusted source for reliable information
She Bleeds was created to educate and empower women and healthcare professionals. The platform helps women identify whether their symptoms could be linked to a bleeding disorder and provides healthcare providers with clear guidelines to improve early diagnosis and patient care.
The website explores the connection between heavy menstrual bleeding and bleeding disorders, clearly explaining what Von Willebrand Disease is, the different types, how it is diagnosed, and what treatments are available. She Bleeds also features practical resources and personal stories from women who share their experiences, making it easier for others to seek help and take action.
From taboo to awareness: the power of storytelling
In addition to medical information, She Bleeds offers a series of blogs covering different aspects of heavy periods and Von Willebrand Disease. These stories highlight the real-life impact of living without a diagnosis, as well as the challenges of managing work, sports, and social life with the condition. Other blogs provide actionable guidance, such as how to recognize when your symptoms may be more than just bad luck and how to talk to your doctor about your concerns.
By combining facts with personal experiences, She Bleeds not only informs but also encourages action. The platform is dedicated to raising awareness of this often-overlooked condition and bridging the gap between patients and healthcare providers.
Want to learn more? Visit www.shebleeds.com