Living Stone blog 3



Creating digital sales tools that support B2B sales conversations

And we are not talking about PPT here… As B2B marketer, one of your priorities is to provide your sales professionals with the tools they need to support the interactions they have with prospects, from emails to digital meetings to face-to-face. A good sales toolkit will include a wide range of content topics and types, in easy-to-digest digital formats that your sales reps can pick and choose from, to guide their sales conversations and respond to the challenge or question at hand.

Your customer in lockdown has never been so close

In-person meetings are an integral part of the face-to-face sales process in many B2B environments, but they’re not really possible in these lockdown times. As a result, sales and marketing professionals have had to find ways to gain the attention of their prospects and customers from a distance. At Living Stone, we’ve put our focus on digital go2market strategies to help our clients stay close to their customers and target audiences.

Create sales enablement tools that sales want to use

In many organizations, sales tools are like an iceberg. There’s the 10% that are above the waterline – the tools that everybody knows and uses - and then there’s the 90% that, for whatever reason, never see the light of day. Whether people simply can’t find these tools, or they don’t like them, the end result is the same – it’s expensive and frustrating to create a library of tools that sales just doesn’t use.

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