The use of voice search, usingyourvoicetoperform a search andretrieve information, is on therise. It’s notsurprising, becausenotonly is itefficientandtime-saving, italsoworksproperly these days. This trend is obviouslybringingsome changes, but whatexactlydoes itmeanforyour digital marketing strategy?
To measure is to know. We all know this age-old saying, but did we think that in 2022 it would still be as relevant? Well, we may have left the old measuring rod behind, but today we want our data dashboards and Google Analytics as close to us as possible. As marketers, we know that measuring online data is critical.
Is demand generation the most important part of the B2B marketer’s job? Well, you might say so – because if there isn’t any demand for your product or solution, there’s no point to the rest of your marketing activities.
Once you decide that you want to develop a community for your customers, what’s the next step? You can start by answering these questions:
As a digital marketer, finding the right (digital) marketing strategies just keeps getting tougher. It’s a moving target out there – as soon as you find an approach that works, the online game shifts and your targets move on, leaving your online tools in the dust. Banner ads offer a good example. Once a staple in the digital marketer’s toolkit, banner ads have fallen sharply out of favor. It turns out that many millennials, both male and female, simply ignore all online banner ads. The impact of banner ads on other age groups is eroding too.