Living Stone blog 3



Is there a trade show on your horizon? With this step-by-step plan, your communications will be right on target

Over the past two years, many trade shows, congresses and other events were postponed or cancelled. Some organizers offered a virtual alternative, but it wasn’t easy to create the same kind of experience online. Now that the event sector is back in full swing, it’s a good time to dust off your event communication plans, and see if they need any finetuning. This roadmap will help you get started.

5 ways a solid corporate identity can boost your bottom line

According to research company Forrester, the buying behavior of B2B customers has changed. For 74% of prospects, fully half of the research process is now conducted online, before a purchase is made. That means there’s a lot more riding on your website and content. Interaction with your sales reps comes a lot later in the process, meaning your content has to do much of the heavy lifting when it comes to presenting your products and company. To push the pressure even higher, B2B buyers expect the same kind of ‘experiences’ in interacting with you online that they get with consumer offerings.

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