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Living Stone achieves Veeva Vault PromoMats certification

“Review & approval” certification means full support for Living Stone customers using the Veeva Vault PromoMats digital asset management system.

Two members of the Living Stone team have earned the “Review & Approval” certification from Veeva Vault (picture taken before Corona outbreak), meaning they can now fully support customers who are using the Veeva Vault PromoMats digital asset management system for the life sciences sector.

Anne-Mie Vansteelant, Living Stone COO, and Bart Plaete, Digital Marketeer, earned the certification in February. Vault PromoMats combines digital asset management with review and distribution capabilities, providing the only solution built for life sciences. Easy review and approval, plus automated content distribution and withdraw across channels ensures complete visibility and control of all your materials.


Vault PromoMats Certification Program

The Vault PromoMats Certification Program provides training, certification, and support to agency individuals involved in the preparation and submission of commercial content (print or digital) for Vault PromoMats medical, legal and regulatory customers’ review and approval.


Complexities and challenges of creating marketing material within stringent medical, regulatory and legal frameworks

“We work side-by-side with our customers in life sciences and healthcare, and we understand the complexities and challenges of creating marketing material within stringent medical, regulatory and legal frameworks,” says Anne-Mie.

“By achieving our PromoMats certification for Review & Approval, we can support our customers even more comprehensively, aligning with all requirements and streamlining the review and approval processes.”


More than 400 life sciences companies across 165+ countries rely on Veeva Vault PromoMats for commercial content and digital asset management.

In addition to the Veeva Vault PromoMats certification, Living Stone is also a HubSpot Certified Partner, a Showpad Solutions Partner, and a Hashting Partner.

At Living Stone, we specialize in marketing strategies for healthcare. If you’d like to strengthen your marketing programs, or learn more about aligning your programs with your customers’ pain points, contact Anne-Mie Vansteelant at Living Stone, at +32 55 591 007 or

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Anne-Mie Vansteelant
Anne-Mie Vansteelant
COO | Managing Partner at Living Stone

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