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Flanders Innovation Agency supports study into Living Stone’s marketing analytics service SONAR

Introduced to the market earlier this year, SONAR’s initial version allows healthcare and technology-driven organizations to understand what has taken place in their digital ecosystem during a given period, and identifies important trends and events (what happened on which channel, for example). Following the success of the introduction, Living Stone partnered with SIRRIS, the collective center for the technological industry in Belgium. SIRRIS helps companies develop, test and effectively implement technological innovations. Together with SIRRIS and SONAR’s development partner, Living Stone has outlined the challenges ahead for SONAR in its current format.

To help develop the best strategy to bring SONAR to maturity, the Agency for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (AIO), the government agency charged with implementing economic, innovation and enterprise policy in Flanders, has granted its support.

The AIO study will explore the development priorities of SONAR, taking into account the challenges facing organizations with regards to real-time, consolidated dashboard reporting with aggregated data. A key focus will be on how to link strategic goals (KPIs) with reporting on digital marketing performance. Current users of SONAR and new contacts are invited to participate in the study. The data provided through SONAR will be used as the test base to refine parameters, technologies and channels.

Would you like to subscribe to SONAR and include your data in our study? Let us know by e-mail or give us a call at 32 55 591 007.

Learn more about SONAR today. 



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