Living Stone blog 3



Bart Verduyn

Bart Verduyn

Managing Partner

Recent Posts:

What’s your brand story?

Does your brand have a story? Some brand stories are so well-known that they’ve become part of popular culture. We all know the story behind Facebook, and Mark Zuckerberg. It’s the same with Virgin and Richard Branson. We’ve seen their companies and products evolve, and it’s almost like we know them – we’ve made an emotional connection.

How to create a consistent visual brand identity

Isn’t your visual identity just your logo and a letterhead? Well, it is, but it’s also a whole lot more. Think about all of the opportunities you have to highlight your visual brand ID – websites, business cards, office décor, digital and printed brochures and newsletters, signage, trade show booths, banners, products, product packaging, t-shirts, pens, mugs and other swag … the list is practically endless.

Creating a strong brand: why it’s important

For some B2B companies, developing a brand is an afterthought. The focus is on refining and marketing the product, and the brand ends up being created on the fly, by the engineering department or even company execs, just in time for a product launch or an important trade show.

What’s in it for you? Setting your objectives

Once you’ve decided to move ahead with a reference marketing program, the first thing to do is determine your objectives. Of course, you want to increase sales, but there are a lot of other benefits you can derive from reference marketing.

Is it time to add a customer reference program to your marketing plan?

When it comes to choosing the components of your marketing plan, return on investment is an important consideration. If you’re like most marketers, trying to do more, with less, you’re likely looking for options that will deliver the highest return on your marketing spend, while checking off a few other boxes for your organization as well. For many tech and healthcare companies, customer reference marketing represents one of the best and most cost-effective ways to create awareness and build credibility with prospects.

Branding & Positioning: What’s so special about B2B?

Way back when, our ancestors started the concept of “branding” when they burned an identifying mark onto their cattle so they could easily pick them out of a herd. Today, branding has evolved far beyond simply identifying a product, and is more about creating psychological connections between purchasers and products.

Getting started with video marketing

You’ve considered all the benefits of adding video to your marketing campaigns (see Why you need to add video to your marketing plan). Now, it’s time to get started. In this video marketing blogpost, we’ll explain video marketing step by step to create your own video marketing campaign:

Digitale marketing leidt de dans in presidentsverkiezingen

De twee centrale kandidaten voor de US verkiezingen krijgen vandaag alle aandacht in de wereldmedia. In de marge spelen nog wat andere kandidaten mee, die misschien beter zullen scoren dan verwacht, omdat heel wat Amerikaanse kiezers de keuze tussen hangen of wurgen niet willen maken.

Steps to shaping the right positioning strategy

A positioning strategy molds an image for a product or service. A company undergoing major transformation used this discipline to redefine its go-to-market messaging.

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