COO | Managing Partner at Living Stone
In business and in our personal lives, we turn to the experts to help us make important decisions. It’s human nature to seek out the best sources of insight and information. This is especially so in the healthcare world, with its emphasis on evidence-based research. From choosing the best treatment paths to developing a new product, we turn to the experts for their knowledge and guidance.
Op het jaarlijkse Google Marketing Live evenement in California kondigde de techreus zoals verwacht een hele resem nieuwe features aan. De tien belangrijkste ontdek je hier.
Every year, the inbound environment gets more complicated, with new technologies adding greater complexity to the mix – and making your planning even more challenging. As you put the finishing touches on your inbound marketing strategy for 2019, here are 5 options to consider before finalizing your plan:
The internet can be described in many ways, but the root of its success is the power to engage people.
Benieuwd welke updates de socialemediakanalen en Google in petto hebben? Ontdek hier alle nieuwtjes waarmee ze in maart en april naar buiten kwamen!
Attract the right new hires with an employer brand. Competition comes in all forms: your business isn’t just trying to get potential clients to notice you, it also needs to attract the attention of the best prospective employees, too. How can you toot your horn the loudest or fly your flag the highest to get the attention of potential top talent? This is a job that calls for a strong and strategic employer brand! You’ve likely heard of employer brands and branding but you’d still like more information. The good news is, your company likely already has the resources, ideas and energy necessary to create an employer brand that will attract new talent to your employee pool and take your organization to new heights of productivity and success.
Een nieuwe maand, een nieuwe reeks digitale-marketingupdates en trends! We selecteerden voor jou 15 nieuwtjes waarmee je je digitaal marketingplan kunt aanscherpen.
I recently had the opportunity to participate in a sales bootcamp with HubSpot. You might be wondering why, as I’ve been doing business development at Living Stone for + 25 years … but the experience was very interesting and insightful. Joining together with a group of senior leaders from marketing agencies from across the EU and beyond, and guided by our terrific HubSpot coach David Weinhaus, we shared our experiences and learned from each other.
Er gaat geen week voorbij of LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram en Google kondigen weer nieuwe updates en snufjes aan. Marketeers kunnen maar beter op de hoogte zijn om geen enkele opportuniteit te missen. Ontdek in dit overzicht waar je vanaf nu rekening mee moet houden in jouw digitale-marketingplan.