Content will always be king, we know that will never change. But there are plenty of new trends and developments shaping content marketing as we wind up 2019, and look toward a new year. These are some of the directions, ideas and trends in content marketing that we think are key for 2020.
New technologies and trends continue to push the envelope for B2B marketers. Here’s a look at some of the digital marketing trends and technology developments to watch in 2020.
The number of healthcare apps is exploding. From apps that help people manage chronic conditions to apps that manage medical appointment scheduling, the options for both consumers and medical professionals are increasing exponentially. According to researchers at Zion Market Research, this market will only continue to grow. The global mHealth apps market was valued at USD 8.0 billion in 2018, and by 2025 is forecast to generate USD 111.1 billion.
The end of the year is approaching, which means it’s time to take a look forward, and consider which B2B marketing developments are going to have a big impact in 2020. These are three marketing trends you’ll want to keep on your radar for the coming year.
Even with new technologies, new platforms and new apps launching at warp speed, email marketing is still one of the most successful and cost-effective tools for healthcare marketers. While it might not be as glamorous as Instagram, Facebook or even Snapchat, email retains a higher level of trust and authority, compared to social media. And it’s the preferred medium for healthcare professionals, who would rather receive information by email than via an in-person visit or a phone call.
There are tens of thousands of health communities online, ranging from the most-visited health websites (WebMD,, National Institutes of Health, etc.), to user-run sites focussed on a single topic or disease. Whether they’re big commercial endeavors or small sites providing support and information to a specific group, members and visitors to these online health communities want the same things: relevant, credible information and a way to connect with other people with similar questions or conditions.
In our previous blogpost, we looked at the reasons why the best marketing strategies now are digital, and how to shift to an inbound focus with your marketing programs. In this post, we drill down into best practices for your key digital marketing tools – website, online content, social media and email programs – with specific suggestions on how you can apply these best practices to your marketing strategies.
Let’s face it, in 2019 the best marketing strategies for B2B are digital marketing strategies. In the past, the marketing plans we created might have included a small section on digital, outlining how we’d manage our website and maybe try some social media, in addition to all the traditional marketing tools. Now, our marketing strategies are primarily digital, with maybe a few traditional tools (like brochures, trade show booths, flags and banners, etc.) included in the mix.
Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram en Google pakten in juli en augustus opnieuw uit met een hele reeks updates. Ze zetten de deur open voor nieuwe mogelijkheden in je digitalestrategieplan. Ontdek ze hier.