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Maximizing digital content in healthcare

Is your digital content working for you? According to the latest Veeva Pulse Field Trends Report on digital content in healthcare, 77% of field content is “never or rarely used.” At the same time, companies are creating more and more content – the biopharma companies surveyed shared that they had created 20% more content in 2022 compared to 2021. (The Veeva report was based on an analysis of 600 million annual sales interactions with healthcare professionals globally, covering 80% of the industry.)

The most interesting reads from 2022

How do I use hashtags in my B2B social media marketing?

Hashtags: everyone knows them, some use them, but few know how to use them as strategically as possible. In this article, we explain the added value of hashtags, and how to use them effectively in a B2B context. Hashtags are an important tool to attract a wider audience and strengthen your online presence on social media. They can increase your visibility, create engagement and interaction, and enhance brand perception.

SEO: small effort, big impact

We first started hearing about SEO in the 1990s, but the topic is still burning today. And that's not surprising, because the benefits of SEO are numerous, even with limited effort. Not convinced?Then take a moment and read more.

What does it mean to be a freelancer at Living Stone?

As a B2B marketing agency with over 30 years of experience, we’ve got the business experience and scope to develop and manage projects of all sizes, including regional, national and international marketing programs. During these 30 years we’ve also created a solid freelancing network all over the world. Some of our freelancers help us just to get some campaigns on track, but others stick around a little bit longer… like Judy, who has been one of our freelancing ‘rocks’ for almost 20 years now. Eager to meet her? Then read on!

On demand media increasingly popular: The podcast

The podcast, a contraction of iPod and broadcast, is far from new. This form of media first saw the light of day back in 2004. Back then it was available exclusively for Apple's iPod; now it’s gaining more and more space and popularity. It has also found its way into the medical field.

Hey Google, should I consider voice search in my digital marketing strategy?

The use of voice search, usingyourvoicetoperform a search andretrieve information, is on therise. It’s notsurprising, becausenotonly is itefficientandtime-saving, italsoworksproperly these days. This trend is obviouslybringingsome changes, but whatexactlydoes itmeanforyour digital marketing strategy?

Do I need to sponsor my LinkedIn posts to reach my target audience?

LinkedIn is and remains an important platform for companies to reach specific target groups. The platform is unique because it collects information about the professional status of users (job title, sector, publications, experience, employer, ...). You can address your target group in different ways: organically (non-paid) or sponsored (paid). But what is the difference between the two? And is worth spending the budget on a sponsored post?

Be in control of your live dashboard as a customer

To measure is to know. We all know this age-old saying, but did we think that in 2022 it would still be as relevant? Well, we may have left the old measuring rod behind, but today we want our data dashboards and Google Analytics as close to us as possible. As marketers, we know that measuring online data is critical.

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