Living Stone blog 3



Digitale marketing metrics: een vanity fair

De bedrijfswereld focuseert zich bij zijn marketinginspanningen in toenemende mate op digitale marketing. Hierbij worden (al dan niet bewust in het kader van een strategie) een reeks van platformen geselecteerd waarop men actief wenst te zijn.

Strengthening visual identity by telling a visual story

Five tips to inspire a visual story that’s strong; compelling; easily rolled out. You can enhance your company’s visual identity by telling a visual story. How?

Why visual identity should align with business identity

Do customers subtly feel a disconnect when engaged with your company? Try a little experiment. Lay some brochures, packaging, letterhead or comparable items for three of your main products before you. Do they project a unified visual feel or appear like they’re from different companies?

Vermenigvuldig uw Lead Generation met de juiste online strategie

Heeft u het gevoel dat u met uw online marketing inspanningen tegen windmolens vecht? U zaait veel – lees: veel investeren in verplichte nummers, zoals uw web site, e-mail campagnes,… Maar u oogst weinig – lees: er komen geen leads binnen via uw online kanalen.

Hiring a marketing manager or a marketing agency?

Every now and then, mostly when there is a workload peak, your management suggests hiring an additional marketing manager. Before you “simply” decide to enroll one more employee to the payroll, maybe you should consider these options: There are several serious flaws in this roadmap, as managers often overlook the high costs of hiring marketing talent internally as well as the loss of flexibility they incur with expanding internal departments.

How brand design gave firm footing to a new company

Is brand design worth the cost? A successfully launched IT company thinks so. Two years ago, Living Stone was selected to develop a brand design and overall strategic rollout for a new technology company created by the merger of Belgian IT consultants Tobius and SAGA Consulting Group. Called Tobania, the merger was finalized in December 2014. Tobania is nowadays recognized as one of the nation’s largest networks of ICT specialists.

Marketing professionals, do you want to sharpen your marketing knowledge this summer?

Marketing professionals struggle with a heavy workload during the work season. In summer many marketeers finally find a moment to have a break and revitalize their creativity and organizational skills.

Do you know who your ideal customer is?

To efficiently integrate ‘inbound marketing’ in your marketing strategy, you need to know exactly who your buyer personas are.

Inbound marketing: the next level in online marketing.

The words ‘inbound marketing’ are popping up more and more. But what does inbound marketing mean?

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