You’ve considered all the benefits of adding video to your marketing campaigns (see Why you need to add video to your marketing plan). Now, it’s time to get started. In this video marketing blogpost, we’ll explain video marketing step by step to create your own video marketing campaign:
De twee centrale kandidaten voor de US verkiezingen krijgen vandaag alle aandacht in de wereldmedia. In de marge spelen nog wat andere kandidaten mee, die misschien beter zullen scoren dan verwacht, omdat heel wat Amerikaanse kiezers de keuze tussen hangen of wurgen niet willen maken.
A positioning strategy molds an image for a product or service. A company undergoing major transformation used this discipline to redefine its go-to-market messaging.
More use of social media video; greater decentralization of content. What latest research now shows.
Both teams should join in a firm handshake for mutual benefit, but historically work at arms’ length. What new research now shows.
It is one thing to incubate a stack of potential content as a company, but how do you turn complicated in-depth knowledge into valuable marketing assets? That was the question Cerus a biomedical products company focused on blood transfusion safety, confronted Living Stone with.
SEO is key. Lead conversion vital but weak. How do you compare to current trends identified in HubSpot’s 2016 Inbound Report?
Overall, it’s poor management that quietly strangles good B2B material. Here’s how to fix it. Most marketing executives produce high-quality B2B content that contributes to direct and indirect revenue. 77% of marketers say effective B2B communications is a core element of business success. More than €4.73B is spent on content creation and distribution. That’s something to live for!
Introduced to the market earlier this year, SONAR’s initial version allows healthcare and technology-driven organizations to understand what has taken place in their digital ecosystem during a given period, and identifies important trends and events (what happened on which channel, for example).