Blog - Living Stone

How to create your own buyer personas

Written by Celine Bogaert | May 20, 2016 8:12:34 AM


Developing buyer personas takes a bit of work, but it’s worth it. The in-depth customer understanding that you’ll achieve will more than offset the time it will take you to conduct the necessary research, interviews and surveys with a sampling of your customers and prospects.    

Here’s how you can pull together the information that you’ll need to craft personas for your business:

  • Go through your contacts database to see exactly how customers or prospects discover and use your content 
  • Make sure the forms on your website capture information that’s relevant for your personas (ie. if the number of employees at a prospect’s organization is part of your personas, ask for this information in all forms)
  • Talk to sales about the types of leads they are most successful with. Incorporate their feedback into your buyer personas.
  • Interview customers and prospects to get feedback on what they like about your company, service or product.

We can also help you find out more about your customers, prospects and employees. As part of Living Stone’s Perception Management service, we can research your corporate brand value, the value of your brand names, the identification of your employees and the perception in the market about your service quality. We can also help you to strengthen your brand. Visit us at, or call at +32 (0)55 59 10 01